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  • EVENT > PAST EVENTS > A Lot of Points
  • A Lot of Points

  • Sit back and trade on can take a vacation/to get lots of prizes? Of course, I can! Come immediately follow the splash points from! For your members, do you know if there is another event point? We will share points that can be exchanged for prizes that are super-profitable! You can win holiday ticket prizes, gold, electronic devices, vouchers, etc. Come on, follow the big points and get the prize!

    How to get Points


    Terms and conditions

    §  Points only apply at

    §  Transaction volume in USDT / IDR does not count (only USDT / IDR) other than that it is still calculated

    §  Points can be used to redeem rewards according to the number of points you have

    §  Points received cannot be refunded (non-refundable) and are cashed either in part or whole

    § has the right to cancel the transaction / cancel the use of points that indicated fraud or abuse

    § has the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice

    §  By reading and knowing the terms and conditions for using this voucher, we assume that the user understands and agrees to all terms and conditions that apply

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