1. Full Name: fill in full name
2. Place Of Birth: fill in the date of birth
3. Gander: filled with gender
4. Date of Birth: filled with date of birth and year of birth
5. Nationality: fill in the place of your country
6. Select Province: fill in with the province
7. City: fill in where your city lives
8. Postcode: fill in the postal code
9. Phone: fill with phone number priority
10. Alternative Phone: fill in with an alternative cell phone number
11.Occupation: filled with your work
12.Address: fill in the address you live
13. ID Card: Choose the ID card/ driver's ID card/passport *
14. ID number: fill in the number you chose
15. Identity Document: fill in the upload passport document, ID card
16.Select Verification: fill in with a photo of yourself along with the verification sheet
*For the process of verifying personal data Specifically, Non-Indonesian citizens are required to use a KITAS / Passport