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  • Getting Started > SECURITY > How to apply for a replacement Mobile Number via Email
  • How to apply for a replacement Mobile Number via Email

  • In connection with Mobile Numbers and Google Authenticator (2FA) is our means of verifying account ownership, so if these two tools cannot be used, we must verify account ownership more strictly to prevent account takeover by unauthorized persons.
    With the aforementioned considerations, to make changes to the Mobile Number where the Google Authenticator is also inaccessible, the Member needs to apply for the replacement of the Mobile Number manually by:

    1. Member sends an email with Subject:
    "Request for Change of Mobile Number for account [username] at"

    2. Email Body:
    I hereby as the account owner of:
    Username: (username of a member registered at
    Full Name: (Full name according to KTP)
    Email Address: (Email address of members registered at
    Applying to change the Mobile Number manually:
    From Old Mobile Number:
    Become No, New Mobile:
    With reason :


    3. Attach
    a. Identity photo / KTP;
    b. Photo of yourself holding a piece of paper that says

    CHANGES TO Mobile NO
    From: [Old HP No]
    Become: [No New HP]

    [member name] [date]
    [Username] [signed member]

    Note that the member's signature must match the signature on the KTP

    4. The email was sent to our support email ([email protected])

    5. In sending email members must use the email registered at before

    6. Changing the Mobile Number manually can only be done for changes to the Main Mobile number, for changes to the Alternative mobile number can be done by the member himself after the main cellphone number has been successfully replaced with a new mobile number that can be accessed by the member

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