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  • Getting Started > SECURITY > How to activate your 2-Factor Authentication account on (Google Auth)
  • How to activate your 2-Factor Authentication account on (Google Auth)

  • To activate your 2-Factor Authentication account on, members can follow the steps below:

    1.Login di

    2.Select Account -> Security

    3.Click enable and read following instructions


    5.    After enabled you will see following information below:

    1.    About Two-Factor Authentication

    2.    Backup/Save Secret Code (take picture/screenshot )

    3.    Barcodes that will be scanned using the Google Authenticator application can be downloaded in the Playstore / App Store

    4.    After scanning the barcode, the application will display a number that will change, then enter the code

    5.    Check it first carefully

    6.    After that click submit, you can logout and log in again so 2fa is active.

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