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  • Getting Started > Button and Menu Functions In digitalexchange > Affiliate program
  • Affiliate program

  • An affiliate program is a program inviting to invest in and you will get 20% of your friend's trading fees, there are any menus on this affiliate program page:

    1.    Button to hide the navigation menu

    2.    The social media logo is a button where you can directly send to your social media

    3.    Referral links that you can share to groups either WhatsApp, telegram, facebook, etc.

    4.    The number of referrals is the total referrals, referrals will enter when your friend registers using the referral link that you provide

    5.    The amount of income is the amount of income from referrals that you get

    6.    Verified email is your friend registered and already did KYC because what counts is doing KYC

    7.    Verified

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