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  • Getting Started > Verification of Personal Data > How to user identification verification
  • How to user identification verification

  • By registering an account on, you agree to share the personal information requested for identity verification purposes. This information is used specifically to detect money laundering, terrorist funding, fraud and other financial crimes on the platform. In addition to providing this information, to facilitate compliance with global industry standards for data retention, you agree to allow us to keep a record of such information as long as the life of your account is added 5 years after the account closure. You also allow us to ask, either directly or through third parties, who are deemed necessary to verify your identity or to protect you against financial crimes such as fraud. The Verification Identity Information that we requested includes:

    • E-mail that is active and used privately
    • Name (in accordance with the attached Identity (KTP / Passport)).
    • Home address according to identity (KTP / Passport).
    • Mobile Number (the number must be active and used personally).
    • Alternative Mobile Number (number must be active, this number is used if the main number is missing / cannot be contacted).
    • Place and date of birth (according to the attached identity (KTP / Passport)).
    • Citizenship.
    • Gender.
    • Photo of valid identity card. Identity cards that can be used are: Identity Card (KTP), Passport
    • Photos of yourself.
    • Work.

    And / or everything that is requested and needed regarding the specified registration requirements, and your candidate hereby declares and warrants that any data / information / documents / information / statements given regarding the registration process as your Website are complete, authentic, true and in accordance with the actual situation and is the latest data / information / documents / information / statements that have not been / have not been made changes and are still valid / not expired and no / no changes or other conditions are agreed based on the policy on the registration page on

    • Every account that is opened will be administered based on a specific identification according to your name which will also apply as the name/identity of the account as stated in your identity. You are prohibited from using your account other than your own account, or accessing your other account, or helping others to get unauthorized access to the account. All usage of your account is the sole responsibility of the account owner recorded in the digital exchange system.
    • You must use and include your e-mail and password that has been verified by at the time of registration. The system will automatically reject the service process for the account, if not accompanied by the correct email and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords, accounts, PINs, bitcoin wallet access, other digital asset wallet access, email login access and all types of activities that include transactions in your account. You are solely responsible for the use of your password and account on If there is use of a password and/or account without your permission and other alleged violations occur, you must contact by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. accompanied by supporting information. is not responsible for losses incurred due to misuse of accounts and/or passwords, with or without your knowledge.

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