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  • Deposits and Withdrawals > Rupiah Deposit or Digital Assets > How to generate a USDT Tether wallet
  • How to generate a USDT Tether wallet

  • USDT on uses the ERC20 network, so make sure before making a deposit or withdrawing from another market it must be the same as using ERC20. By using USDT Tether you are increasingly free to buy and sell digital assets between markets

    1. First of all, log in to, already registered? if not, please register immediately at It's easy, and the verification process is fast
    2. After logging in at, we immediately select asset management then search for USDT
    3. Then choose USDT assets

             4.  After that click on deposit and click generate

             5. Then the USDT wallet address will appear

    6. Very simple isn't it? Greetings profit

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