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  • Digital Assets > Bitcoin > How To Get Bitcoin?
  • How To Get Bitcoin?

  • There are several ways to get Bitcoin:
    • Mining
    Mining, or processing, keeps the Bitcoin process safe by chronologically adding new transactions (or blocks) to the chain and keeping them queued. Blocks are cut when each transaction is completed, code is translated, and bitcoins are passed or exchanged.
    Miners can also generate new bitcoins by using specialized software to solve cryptographic problems. This provides a smart way to issue currency and also provides an incentive for people to mine.
    The prizes are approved by everyone on the network but are generally 12.5 bitcoins as well as a fee paid by the user sending the transaction. To prevent inflation and keep the system manageable, there will be no more than a fixed total of 21 million bitcoins (or BTC) in circulation by 2040, making the "puzzle" even more difficult to solve.
    • Buy at an exchanger
    As with traditional money, you can earn Bitcoin by selling goods and services and having people pay you in Bitcoin. Usually, accepting Bitcoin is cheaper and easier than other payment methods, and one of the easiest ways to earn a little bit of Bitcoin.
    Another way is the way most people use to get Bitcoin: buying from a trusted Bitcoin broker or Exchange service provider, such as This method is similar to when you buy foreign currency or shares in a bank online. This is the easiest way to get Bitcoin because you are sure to find someone who will sell you their Bitcoin on the platform.


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