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  • Getting Started > Verification of Personal Data > How to change the account name after the verification process is rejected
  • How to change the account name after the verification process is rejected

  • users are required to register themselves, then what? below is how to register and verify your personal data:

    · Click the account menu then select my profile

    Click Send Verification Document

    · Fill in the form according to your data

    1. Fill in your full name according to your KTP / Passport ID

    2. Fill in the date of birth

    3. Fill in gender

    4. Fill in the date and year of birth

    5. Fill in the country

    6. Fill in the province

    7. Fill in the city

    8. Fill with your cellphone

    9. Fill in the zip code

    10. Fill with Alternative cell phones

    11. Fill in your work

    12. Fill in your residential address

    13. Select ID card (KTP or Passport)

    14. Fill with KTP / Passport Number

    15. Upload a photo of your KTP (KTP / Passport)

    16. Upload a photo of yourself along with the verification sheet like the example in picture 17

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